Field Bets in Craps

Published: December 26, 2016

Craps is one of the thrilling table games that can be enjoyed at land and online casinos, but many new players will be overwhelmed with the many betting options. To simplify things, a number of leading software developers online will allow players to try Craps in a free version, where they can become familiar with the many betting options and learn how to, and when to place these bets. One of the popular bets found at the Craps table is a Field Bet, and here, we discuss how these bets are used and how they can benefit new players at the table.

The Field Bet on the craps table will be located in two larger squares in the middle of other bets that are offered. On some tables, the area for fiend bets will look like a small field in the middle of the table. The field bet is actually a simple bet and it is one that us very easy to place. It will pay player even money returns and there are no complex rules that are associated with the bet. It is one of the better bets for beginner players because the result of the bet will be determined after a roll of the dice. This means that is one of the field numbers is rolled, players will win the bet. The field numbers include 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11 and 12.

Since there are 11 possible numbers that can be thrown in Craps, the field bet is a great option because it covers 7 of these numbers. There are also 16 different combinations that can yield the results, so there is a good chance of winning. Most online casinos will pay an extra reward for 2 and 12 numbers, offering a 2:1 rewards over even money.

Another reason many new players prefer the field bet is because it can be placed with a minimum wager. These bets can be enjoyed at the table minimum amount, so it is a great option for those that have smaller casino budgets when they start playing. While the field bet may not offer the best odds in the game, it is one that can offer frequent wins and help to boost the bankroll and extend the playing session.